1·A pair of mold is designed for the package case with thin wall and rib by RTM process.
2·In that case we might opt to package our handler classes in a JAR file rather than dumping them as loose files into the class directory.
3·Put each test case in the same package as the class it's testing to gain access to package and protected members.
4·This case can be handled by using different package names during application development.
5·There is, however, a case for another, more serious fiscal stimulus package, as a way to sustain employment while the markets work off the aftereffects of the housing bubble.
6·This means that the rare case in which two classes are tightly-coupled across package boundaries has to be split across files, leading the unwary to not recognize the tight coupling between the two.
7·In the case of pattern creation through the user interface, you would drag and drop the script package onto the virtual image part.
8·In this case, the owner of the package is specified as U2.
9·In this case you have a package where your data models are kept and a package where your data access objects are kept.
10·The latter part is actually not crucial because in OSGi package imports are searched for classes instead of the contents of a bundle in case of conflicts.